DocumentaireBNN Wolflady
Daan Willekens
Annelotte Medema
John van den Oetelaar
Lotte Gerding
Zoe de Wilde
Daan Willkens
Tamara Nelemans
Bert van den Dungen
Pieter van Huijstee
Sjoerd van den Broek
Musician Oscar Holleman is astounded upon hearing the voice of Sharon Kovacs. Kovacs, nicknamed The Wolf Lady, approaches Holleman, a music producer thirty years her senior and makes a pact with him. Their musical exploration takes them to Cuba, London, Hamburg, Berlin and New York.
We are witness to Sharon’s demons, her urge to create and her craving for recognition. Together the two of them go through ups and downs, pills and drugs, fighting and loving, with cigarettes and mental setbacks, yet always with an ever-lasting ‘all or nothing’ mentality, laying the foundation for Sharon’s musical self-fulfilment.